Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak

Apple cider vinegar is one of oldest and most trusted home treatments for many of ailments. This amazing ingredient is rich in potassium and provides healing to many of aches, infections, allergies, arthritis and digestions as well. Using apple cider vinegar for feet care is excellent and it can heal lots of feet problems like toenail fungus, feet warts, calluses and corns on feet, swelled and sore feet, stinky feet, dry skin of feet and for diabetes and athlete’s feet. People are much involved and relied on this home ingredient for curing all these feet problems rather than going for expensive medical treatment for feet care and problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak

How and what are uses of apple cider vinegar is main discussion in this article. Apple cider vinegar is considered to be more effective and the best home remedy to treat feet problems and athletes use vinegar for most of their feet problems. Apple cider vinegar can be used in different conditions with different methods. For example, you can use apple cider vinegar as foot bath or foot soaking treatment for any of feet problem. For preparing foot soaking solution of apple cider vinegar, you can use apple cider vinegar as single ingredient or can add some of other ingredients in it to make it more effective. Water, essential oils, herbs, salts and other ingredients can be used with apple cider vinegar in this regard.

Follow the following lines to make a good apple cider vinegar foot soak recipe:

Suppose, you have toenail fungus problem and want to cure it using apple cider vinegar foot soak treatment. For this, you need to have plenty of amount of apple cider vinegar i.e. one jug of apple cider vinegar. You can prepare foot soaking solution just putting apple cider vinegar in a foot basin or large bowl. Then soak your toenails in this vinegar solution for just about 30 minutes. Then let them air dry and don’t rinse or dry with towels. Sour smell of apple cider vinegar will dissipate soon and you can see difference in appearance of toenail fungus.

Healing procedure of apple cider vinegar is slow and you have to keep sticky to this treatment for several months to get rid of toenail fungus. Regular apple cider vinegar foot soaking treatment can perfectly remove fungi infection from your toenails and support growth of new nails. Same apple cider vinegar foot soak recipe can be replaced by just adding some of warm water in it in half amount. It really works in stopping growth of fungi and help growing new nails. Proper cleanliness and care is necessary to support toenail fungus removed soon. For fast results of curing toenail fungus, you can repeat apple cider vinegar foot soak treatment twice daily. However, use of apple cider vinegar may also depends on severity of toenail fungus infection.

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