Listerine Vinegar Foot Soak for Dry Skin

Listerine foot soak is very common remedy to treat dry, damaged skin of feet and ultimately lots of feet care problems are solved with Listerine foot soak by adding white vinegar in it. Listerine is a branded mouthwash that is amazing in working for feet care including cracked heels, toenail fungus, corns on feet, calluses on feet and other feet care issues. Most of people incline to use Listerine foot soak for treating lots of feet care issues rather than going to doctor for taking medicine and drugs for feet care. Using Listerine foot soak is very much cheaper and affordable to all individuals. However Listerine foot soak remedy can be applied by both men and women to take proper care and treatment for their feet.

Listerine Vinegar Foot Soak

Listerine Vinegar Foot Soak:

Listerine itself is very good for treating feet care issues but adding white vinegar makes it work magically in treating toenail fungus and other feet related issues. Vinegar provides acidity and that is very effective in curing toenail fungus, cracked heels, corns and calluses on feet. Listerine vinegar foot soak can be said perfect remedy to treat feet skin related problems. Here is step by step recipe of preparing Listerine vinegar foot soak.

  • Arrange a foot basin or large bowl to keep your feet fit in it for soaking.
  • Add sufficient amount of warm water in bowl to soak your whole feet.
  • Add Listerine mouthwash and white vinegar half by half in bowl and mix it properly.
  • Put your feet in bowl and keep soaking for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, put off your feet from bowl and dry your feet using clean and soft towel.
  • You can also use pumice stone and scrubber to scrub your feet for removing dead skin that would be softer than before and also would be easier to remove.
  • You can apply any of hand and body lotion in little amount on your feet to moisturize them lightly.
  • Apply this treatment before you go to bed in the night.
  • Avoid wearing any type of socks after Listerine vinegar foot soak.

Listerine Vinegar Foot Soak Before-After

After doing this Listerine vinegar remedy, you will feel remarkable difference in skin look of your feet than before. Listerine vinegar can be said ideal combination of most effective ingredients that work magically in treating all feet skin related issues. You can apply this soak remedy in case of diabetics as well. Many of you may not aware of using Listerine mouthwash for treating feet related problems but it really works fantastic to care for your feet.

Originality can be said most important factor to use Listerine and white vinegar and taking its best advantages. If formula for Listerine and white vinegar is not original, you will not get required results regarding foot soaking. Only color and flavor cannot work to give you proper feet skin care. So you must be very careful and conscious in purchasing original formula of white vinegar and Listerine.

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