Listerine Foot Soak for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is one of common problems of feet and it become severe and dangerous if not cured in time. You must be very careful in treating toenail fungus using best treatment and products. Listerine foot soak is said to be very good for treating toenail fungus. Listerine is a branded mouthwash product that is very effective in treating toenail fungus. You may not hear about mouthwash to be used for treating toenail fungus. But it really works and more people are getting best results of Listerine treatment for toenail fungus. Here are some useful tips for you to use Listerine foot soak for curing toenail fungus.

Foot Soak for Toenail Fungus

When you are planning to soak feet in Listerine, you will have to wait for just about 30-40 minutes to let it start working and affecting your toenails. It is said that Listerine mouthwash takes this time to cure fungus. Listerine foot soak can be applied on daily basis for getting best results regarding treatment of toenail fungus. Severe toenail fungus can take some months to be cure even using Listerine foot soak. Toenail fungus takes long time to be cured and have new and uninfected nails to grow again.

Listerine mouthwash can be used alone for treating toenail fungus but some of prescribed drugs and medicines can be added in this solution for faster and better results in treating toenail fungus. For example, white vinegar is said to be very good and effective in adding with Listerine to cure toenail fungus. The recipe of making remedy of Listerine and white vinegar is:

  • Take 50% Listerine mouthwash and 50% white vinegar and combine them well to make a paste. Then paint on toenails and keep it painted for about 30-40 minutes.

This remedy should be applied on daily basis to get better results in growing new and normal nails and killing fungus. Medical research on fungi tells us that fungus do not grow well in acidity that’s why using white vinegar with Listerine is best remedy to treat toenail fungus.

It is also very important to know what should be criteria and duration to use Listerine for killing fungus and making nails grow new. Listerine treatment should be applied on daily basis if you have severe toenail fungus otherwise using it twice in a month would be better for you to kill fungi and have new nails. Whenever, you have started using Listerine foot soak for treating toenail fungus, continue it until you get your desired results or your nails appear new and quite normal.

Although Listerine mouthwash treatment is said to be safe and effective for curing toenails but this is not sure to work for everyone. Using Listerine foot soak for killing toenail fungus is surely a cheaper way than using expensive medicines and drugs for this but this may not be very effective in some cases to cure toenail fungus. This may be your inclination to avoid expensive medicines for curing toenail fungus. However, using this treatment after consulting with your physician would be great for you to take advantage of this toenail fungus treatment remedy.

Foot Soak for Toenail Fungus

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