Listerine Foot Soak for Dead Skin

All of us get skin on feet dead and damaged and it is because of poor attention to feet and let them dry all the time. Dead skin problem happens to appear on different spots on lower part of foot like sides of feet, foot pad, heels, finger toes etc. Dead skin can be removed by several of ways like peeling, cutting and rubbing skin. But how it would be nice to stop our feet skin getting dead and damaged? Obviously! Proper care, moisturizing and cleanliness of feet on daily basis can let us have soft and smooth skin on feet. Foot soaking is always a very good treatment to treat feet regarding all feet skin problems. Dead feet skin can be stopped growing with help of using foot soaking solutions. Foot soaking solutions makes your skin soft, smooth, clean and beautiful and there remain no chances to have this trouble of dead skin on feet.

Listerine Foot Soak for Dead Skin

You may think or hear of many ingredients to cure feet dead skin to be used in soaking solutions. Here I have an amazing product to be used in making foot soaking solution to get softer and smoother skin on feet. Listerine is a branded product that is very effective in killing mouth germs and also works well in treating lots of feet problems including toenail fungus, cracked heels, sore and swelled feet, smelly feet, corns and calluses and warts on feet and also enhance the beauty of feet. If you are looking for easy home remedy to get rid of dead skin on feet, you are suggested to bring Listerine mouthwash and make a foot soaking solutions with help of this mouthwash product. You will find this remedy very effective in making your feet skin softer, smoother, clean and glowing as well.

Listerine is very cost effective remedy to treat and it is apart from taking expensive medical aid to cure dead skin on feet. Usually medicated lotions and creams are suggested by physicians to apply on feet for reducing dead skin problem. Using Listerine is very convenient while staying at home and you can also save your money for treating dead skin on feet.

Given below is recipe of preparing and using Listerine foot soaking solution.

  • First of all, you need to combine some items including Listerine mouthwash, warm water, towel, foot basin, pumice stone, lotion and cream.
  • Mix required amount of Listerine mouthwash in warm water.
  • Soak feet in this mixture for just about 30 minutes.
  • Keep rubbing your feet skin gently with help of pumice stone or scrubber.
  • Put off feet and let them dry with towel.
  • Apply healthy amount of any of good lotion and cream on feet.
  • Don’t wear socks after this foot soak.
  • Do this remedy in the night before going to bed.

You can take best advantage of this multi action product to cure your teeth and feet as well. Permanent or daily based Listerine foot soaking treatment will give you softer, smoother, fresh and clean skin on feet.

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