Homemade Foot Soak for Dry Feet

Today I share you some tips that help you. I tell you how to make a foot soak for your dry skin. In winter, this problem is very common in every person. So I share homemade tips and tricks. By following these tips, you can remove yours. These tips are totally simple no use of nay high-cost cosmetics and not any chemical use in this method. I share your entire process and how to give you more bitterness. Now a day everyone wants beautiful feet, and she also go to the parlor and do many things, but it’s very harmful to your skin because it contains a chemical that damages your inner skin layer. But I share with you natural treatment for this purpose. I use some easily available things that can you find in your home quickly, and otherwise it can’t be available in your home so go to your nearest market and purchase these things. All things are minimum cost you can buy easily, and it’s very common use things. But you can buy in good quite different qualities are available in the market.

Homemade Foot Soak for Dry Feet

You will need these things:

  •    I water tub water will hot not boiling
  •    One spoon apple cider vinegar
  •    Take two tablespoons be betony clay.
  •    ½ or 1 cup of Epsom salt
  •    A 2 or 3 drops you need of essential oils you.

Now put Epsom salt in hot or warm water container. And mix with a spoon after it mixes put betonies clay and again mix using a spoon and now put in it essential oil that you need and soak your feet 20 to 25 minutes and now put out and clean your feet with a towel not go to wash. Repeat this process, at least, two weeks it will help you to cure your feet and after two weeks you will see you feet is now again gorgeous and lovely. You can share these tips and tell your friends.

I try this at now my feet are very smooth and lovely. It helps me. It has no any side effect because it is natural and it’s not any chemical process. You can do it in your room or anywhere you want for comfortable. You can do it any time that is suitable for you. If you feel your feet is cracking, and its give you pain don’t worry do this process and follow my tips and make protect your feet. Epsom salt is fine for your feet because it contain my natural ingredient, and it will cure your feet very quickly. Rub this on your feet and thin do this method it give you more bitterness and apply oil .oil will remove pain and give you smooth feet.


  1.    For the good result, you use essential oil daily when you go to sleep.
  2.    Do this process twice a day.
  3.    Warm water is excellent for this process.
  4.    Wash your feet before doing this process.

Listerine Foot Soak

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