Vinegar And Garlic Foot Soak

Natural ingredients and products are always a sure way of curing hundreds of ailments related to humans and animals. Natural and home remedies are really very appealing but it becomes very hard to know about using right ingredient for certain disease. The awareness about healing power of natural ingredients is very important in this regard. This is also very interesting to come to know about any new ingredient about its healing power for certain of ailments and discomforts. Similarly, you will be amazed to know that garlic is perfect remedy to treat feet problems and care issues especially when athletes have feet problems like calluses, warts, corns on feet, have sore and swelled feet, stinky feet, burning feet, dry and damaged skin of feet and cracked heels like feet problems.

Vinegar and Garlic Foot Soak

Garlic is very powerful anti-fungal agent that not only prevents growing fungi infection in feet but also provides good appearance to feet skin i.e. softer, smoother, clean and beautiful skin of feet. It is very good and effective ingredient to detoxify feet as well. Athletes very much rely on this natural ingredient to combine it with vinegar; another amazing and outstanding ingredient for feet care and problem’s treatment. Using garlic combined to vinegar is very effective combination and foot soak and foot bath recipes are prepared using both of these ingredients. Hence, it becomes very effective home remedy to deal with feet care and problems.

Garlic and vinegar are such ingredients that are always available at home as they are easy to get from any grocery shop. They are cheap, convenient to use and also very effective in healing feet problems and diseases. Foot soak is always a perfect remedy to deal with feet care and problems. So using vinegar and garlic as foot soak ingredient would help you treat any of feet problems among all mentioned above. Given below is recipe of garlic and vinegar foot soaking solution that you can use if you have any feet problem or have athlete’s feet and want ultimate care and treatment for your feet.

  • Foot basin
  • Water
  • White plain vinegar
  • Bulb of garlic
  • Salt

Bring water to boil adding whole bulb of garlic in it and let it boil for few minutes. Then put off from flame and add vinegar and salt in this garlic and water mixture. Let it cool to be bearable for you. soak your feet in this mixture and let them sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse well and use good moisturizer to moist your feet. You will feel clear difference in your problem part of feet and overall appearance of your feet. Daily application of vinegar and garlic foot soak can let you have problem free feet even with your athletic activities and you can also enjoy grace and beauty of your feet.

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