Treat Cold and Flu with Vinegar

Having cold and flu is a very common ailment and keeps you very disturbed and irritated hence lots of medicines are here to treat common cold and flu. Vinegar is such an amazing ingredient that has been used for centuries to treat with common cold and flu. People who have weaker immune systems have more chances to get in trouble of cold and flu, but this is absolutely curable ailment and vinegar would help you in this regard. Vinegar is very good in its acidic properties and it is found that most of germs could not grow and produce in an acidic environment. This is the reason vinegar is killer treatment of germs and infectious diseases like cold and flu.

Treat Cold and Flu with Vinegar

  • Vinegar is very fast in treating chronic diseases like cold, flu and sore throat as well. However, there are several ways of using vinegar in treating flu and cold. In fact, two main types of vinegar are more effective to heal cold and flu like apple cider vinegar and white vinegar. Both are active to reduce the irritation and discomfort causes by flu and cold. You can follow the following tips and ways to make use of vinegar in getting rid of cold and flu.
  • Drinking vinegar directly is a suggestion for those who are brave enough to do this. White vinegar and apple cider vinegar can be drunk as ¼ cup three times a day for best results regarding flu and cold treatment.
  • If vinegar is added to apple juice, it gives more pleasant taste and smell and you don’t feel like taking medicine of cold and flu. This remedy should be practiced twice or thrice a day for frequent healing of cold and flu.
  • Mix two tablespoons of white vinegar in one glass of Luke warm water and gargle with it. This is literally an effective remedy to treat cold, flu and sore throat.
  • If you find it hard to drink apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, you can add them to your favorite salad recipes, sauces and soups to take a dose of vinegar for healing cold and flu.
  • Sprinkling white vinegar or apple cider vinegar over your pillow can also be an alternate treatment to get rid of flu and cold.

All these are convenient ways to make use of vinegar for effective treatment of cold and flu.

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