Listerine To Get Rid Of Lice

Head lice are not harmful to us but they are simply irritating. Lice are easily transmitted and young children are most affected by it. Today we are going to surprise you with the most admirable and mind-blowing use of Listerine. Yes, here in this article you will find out that how you can get rid of lice with a great home remedy having Listerine used in it.

Listerine To Get Rid Of Lice (2)Particularly Listerine lice treatment is less toxic and cheaper as compared to expensive shampoo and other lice remedies available in markets. But the question arouses that how Listerine is effective for lice treatment? Listerine mouthwash contains about 26 to 27 percent alcohol as well as essential oils in it. The alcohol present in Listerine is poisonous to the lice while the oils suffocate them. That’s why we are here with the magical lice remedy for you.

Listerine and vinegar remedy for treating head lice

Things You need to have in your hand:
  • One bottle of Listerine mouthwash
  • White vinegar as required
  • Plastic bags or shower cap
  • Lice Comb
  • Your regular shampoo

Step 1:

Soak your head with Listerine mouthwash until all hair is wet with it. Next, tie your hair in a shower cap. You can also use a plastic bag for this purpose. Keep the Listerine do its work for at least one hour.  If getting bored, simply get busy in your routine activities but don’t forget to tie the cap properly. Listerine mouthwash contains alcohol, eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, and many other ingredients that are completely safe for humans but toxic for lice.

Step 2:

Now remove the bag from your hair carefully and rinse your hair with normal water. Rinse thoroughly until all the Listerine washed away from your head.

Step 3:

After rinsing Listerine from your hair, now soak your head in white vinegar and gently massage your scalp with your fingertips. Apply the plastic bag or the shower cap again. But before applying vinegar, make sure that there is no wound or scratch in your head. If found don’t apply vinegar as it will be irritating for you.

Step 4:

Rinse thoroughly your head and now apply your regular shampoo. There is another important advantage of this lice treatment with Listerine, and that is it will make your hair thicker and shinier than before.

Step 5:

To comb out the dead eggs of the lice, you just need to comb your hair with a lice comb.

Other instructions:

If you are worried that you will be affected with lice again or it’s the issue of your beloved kid, simply make a mixture of Listerine with water and save it in the spray bottle. Spray it on your child’s hair so that this process will prevent lice to come again.

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