Unclogging Drains Using Vinegar

It is probably a clogged drain if you notice water standing in your kitchen sink, bath tub. Don’t worry, it often happens and you can easily solve this problem event without calling a professional plumber at home. You can use some of tips and tricks to unclog drains and sinks. You would surely have vinegar at your home as this is one of the best and effective ingredients to unclog drains. You just need to learn proper and right use of vinegar in unclogging drains and sinks.

Unclogging Drains using Vinegar

You would have to make a search for some of home and kitchen ingredients and you will find vinegar, lemon juice, salt and borax and baking soda as these ingredients are more effective in solving this problem. Vinegar is good for its acidic properties that are really effective in unclogging drains and clogged sinks. Vinegar is good to eat away clog, a good cleaning agent, germs removal, odor killer and let environment make refreshing. Vinegar can be used as single ingredient to unclog drains or it can also be combined with all of ingredients I have mentioned above.

Water and vinegar is best to combine while unclogging drains and clogged sinks. So given below is tutorial to learn the right use of vinegar for letting water go fast and smoothly in your kitchen and bathroom sinks and drains.

  • Take boiling water in a large bucket.
  • Add a bottle of vinegar, baking soda and salt in boiling water and mix well.
  • Pour this solution in clogged drain and cover it with steaming hot clothe.
  • Let drains closed for about 30 minutes.
  • It would better if you keep plunging drains using plunger.
  • Wire hanger can also be used to unclog drains if there is hair, threads like stuff in the drain.
  • Now flush the drain with water and better is to make use of hot water again for best results.
  • Make use of just hot water if you have plastic pipe wiring in your home as boiling water can be harmful for plastic pipes.
  • If your problem is still, repeat this process again and again to let water go fast.

This is an easy and cheaper way of unclogging drains and sinks of your home with help of using vinegar. You should keep using vinegar and hot water solution for cleaning of drains on daily basis. In this way, you can avoid having this problem.

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  1. […] Unclogging Drains Using Vinegar: You just need to learn proper and right use of vinegar in unclogging drains and sinks.  […]

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