Remove Dandruff with Vinegar

Hair dandruff is one of most common problem with people of all ages including kids and adults. Dermatologists call it common scalp problem but it is very irritating and causes many other hair problems like frequent hair fall, bad quality of hair, dull and rough hair. You need to take good treatment for your hair if you are worried for hair dandruff. This problem must be treated well before it gets severe and cause dangerous effects regarding your scalp and hair. Different medicated and culinary products are being used to treat dandruff in hair but each of us has our own experience to take advantage of all these treatments. Home remedies are very common to adopt by people to take good care for hair and remove dandruff.

Remove Dandruff wit Vinegar

Vinegar is one of commonly used ingredient for effective hair care and treatment as it can treat lots of hair problems includes providing best quality and texture of hair. However, there are different vinegar recipes to be prepared for hair dandruff. Vinegar’s acidic properties are very good to kill dandruff and clear scalp skin. You can make use of different forms of vinegar to treat dandruff like apple cider vinegar, white plain vinegar and others. Apple cider vinegar is more effective to remove dandruff from hair. Given are some of best ways to make use of vinegar in your scalp and hair to get rid of dandruff.

Make a solution of water and apple cider vinegar in equal quantities and massage it gently on your scalp. Then leave it for several minutes. Now rinse with fresh tap water. Frequent use of this vinegar recipe will let you get rid of dandruff forever.

White vinegar can also be used to kill dandruff of hair and method of using this form of vinegar is same as you do with apple cider vinegar. Taking Luke warm water is best to be used with white vinegar for scalp massaging. This remedy is very effective in treating dandruff.

Another vinegar remedy for hair dandruff is to mix white vinegar with little amount of baking soda and few drops of rose merry oil to make a vinegar solution. Now gently massage your scalp with this solution and leave for several minutes. Then rinse well and have better look and feel even after one wash.

Vinegar is frequently used in homemade shampoo recipes as it is very good ingredient to treat hair regarding many hair problems and dandruff is bigger of all.

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