Listerine Foot Soak Without Vinegar

Listerine is proved to be very good and effective remedy for treating all types of feet care problems. This can be said an amazing and awesome ingredient to cure feet skin problems like dry and damaged skin of feet, cracked heels, having corns, calluses and warts on feet, stinky and smelly feet, swelling on feet, toenail fungus and many others. Listerine mouthwash is used to add in foot soak recipe to make it perfect for treating feet problems. No doubt, vinegar is considered a good combination of perfect foot soak that helps in healing all feet care problems but here we have recipe of Listerine foot soak without using vinegar as Listerine itself is ideal remedy to treat lots of feet care issues. Given below is recipe of making Listerine foot soak without using vinegar.

Listerine Foot Soak Without Vinegar

Ingredients that you need to have for preparing Listerine foot soak include:

  • Listerine mouthwash (blue)
  • Warm water
  • Foot basin or large bowl
  • Towel
  • Scrubber
  • Moisturizer

Listerine foot soak can be prepared adding required amount of Listerine mouthwash in required warm water. Water should not be too hot. It must be Luke warm water. Then soak feet in this combination of water and Listerine mouthwash. Keep soaking for about 30 minutes. 30 minutes would be enough to get best results of using Listerine as foot soak remedy. You can also rub your feet to remove dry and dead skin as it will get softer to rub and remove. Scrubber or pumice stone would be best for this. Then dry your feet with soft towel and use any of hand and body lotion to moisturize your feet. Moisturizing would be good to keep feet soft and smoother. You should also avoid wearing any type of socks after soaking feet in Listerine foot soak. Doing this remedy is best before you go to bed in the night.

Now let’s share how Listerine foot soak is beneficial for your feet care. You must go for using Listerine as immediate remedy of feet care problems before you think of going to your doctor. Listerine foot soak is considered the best home remedy and it works as:

  • Making feet skin softer and smoother.
  • Healing cracked heels and damaged skin of feet.
  • Treating very good in curing corns, warts, calluses on feet.
  • Toenail fungus can be best cured using Listerine foot soak.

Listerine foot soak is best home remedy for feet care but sometimes it does not work well and in some cases, you must avoid using Listerine for foot care. For example, diabetic patients must avoid using Listerine foot soak and they should go to doctor for taking special care of their feet. If any of diseases or problem occurs to diabetic patients, they must not rely on home remedies as they get very harmful if not treated well at early stage. Listerine foot soak is best to use for normal people who can just try this treatment as home remedy to take care of their feet and avoid feet skin problems.

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